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Our Clergy

Have a question about Judaism? Need to make an appointment to discuss a personal issue or upcoming event in your life? Want to invite our clergy to officiate at your family's baby naming, wedding, funeral or unveiling? Our clergy are always here for you!  Call them directly at Beth Yeshurun's main office (713) 666-1881, or send an e-mail message and they will be happy to assist you! 

(To learn more about each of our Rabbis and Cantor, click on their photo)

Rabbi Brian Strauss
Senior Rabbi
The Susie and Scott Bender - Senior Rabbinic Chair
Email Rabbi Strauss
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Cantor Rachel Goldman
Senior Cantor
Email Cantor Goldman
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Rabbi Steven Morgen
Associate Rabbi
Tammy Pye & Marcy Rothman
Endowed Associate Rabbinic Chair

Email Rabbi Morgen
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Rabbi Sarah Fort
Associate Rabbi
Email Rabbi Fort
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Rabbi David Rosen
Rabbi Emeritus
Email Rabbi Rosen

Rabbi Jack SegalZ"L
Rabbi Emeritus

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784