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Live Streaming at Congregation Beth Yeshurun is generously underwritten by the Schepps Kulanu B'Yachad Streaming Technology Fund

View the October 4, 2024 Shabbat Bulletin - Includes Tributes & Upcoming Yahrzeits

Click here to view our Shabbat Renewal Transliterated Booklet | Prayer Book Excerpts | Yizkor Book - Yom Kippur 2024



Today's Calendar

Chol Hamoed Sukkot
Competing in Goodness: Food Drive!
Chapel Morning Service
: 6:45am
Open Sukkah
: 5:00pm
Chapel Afternoon/Evening Service
: 6:30pm

Friday Night

Shabbat Renewal
: 6:00pm
Candle Lighting
: 6:23pm
Chapel Afternoon/Evening Service
: 6:30pm
Fourth Friday Happy Hour!
: 7:00pm

Shabbat Day

Competing in Goodness: Food Drive!
Chapel Shabbat Service
: 8:30am
Main Sanctuary Service
: 9:30am
Museum Minyan Shabbat Service
: 9:30am
Bar Mitzvah of Jonah Hirsch
: 9:30am
: 9:30am
Shabbat Shalom with Tobi Cooper
: 10:15am
Parsha Study
: 11:30am
Shabbat Afternoon/Havdalah
: 6:15pm
: 7:03pm

This week's Torah portion is Parshat Bereshit

Shabbat, Oct 26

Candle Lighting

Wednesday, Oct 23, 6:25pm


Motzei Shabbat, Oct 26, 7:03pm
View Calendar


Upcoming Events

All Events
  • Sunday ,
    OctOctober  20 , 2024
    Competing in Goodness: Food Drive!
    Sunday, Oct 20th (All day)
    Competing in Goodness is an interfaith initiative that aims not only to collect food but also to raise awareness about hunger in our community.


  • Tuesday ,
    OctOctober  22 , 2024
    Open Sukkah

    Tuesday, Oct 22nd 5:00p to 7:00p
    Bring your own meal to enjoy in the Beth Yeshurun Sukkah and celebrate the mitzvah! No formal program, but we’ll provide drinks and cookies.


  • Wednesday ,
    OctOctober  23 , 2024
    Jewish Meditation Group

    Wednesday, Oct 23rd 7:00p to 8:00p
    Explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God, and deepen your prayer with meditation and chanting.


  • Thursday ,
    OctOctober  24 , 2024
    Simchat Torah in the Barg Sanctuary

    Thursday, Oct 24th 6:30p to 8:30p
    Congregants of all ages, join us in celebrating Simchat Torah in the Main Sanctuary and in Reiches (Museum Minyan and Chapel combined).


  • Friday ,
    OctOctober  25 , 2024
    MyChag: Simchat Torah!
    Friday, Oct 25th 10:15a to 11:00a
    Elementary-aged kids: Join us in the Barg Sanctuary for a fun Simchat Torah Program!


  • Friday ,
    OctOctober  25 , 2024
    Fourth Friday Happy Hour!
    Friday, Oct 25th 7:00p to 7:45p
    Stay after Shabbat Renewal as we combine the oneg and Happy Hour to celebrate the end of our High Holy Days 2024/5785!


  • Sunday ,
    OctOctober  27 , 2024
    Jewish Learning Project (JLP)

    Sunday, Oct 27th 9:00a to 11:15a
    Join us for adult learning on Sundays! The Jewish Learning Project (JLP) is Congregation Beth Yeshurun's Adult Learning Program offering a variety of spiritual, intellectual, and stimulating topics for you to choose from. Sessions are open to the public and free of charge.


  • Monday ,
    OctOctober  28 , 2024
    Food & Faith Collaborative Volunteer Opportunity

    Monday, Oct 28th 11:00a to 1:00p
    Volunteer at the CBY "Food & Faith Collaborative" Day and see how Second Servings addresses the challenge of food insecurity and food waste.


  • Wednesday ,
    OctOctober  30 , 2024
    Jewish Meditation Group

    Wednesday, Oct 30th 7:00p to 8:00p
    Explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God, and deepen your prayer with meditation and chanting.


  • Thursday ,
    OctOctober  31 , 2024
    Kids Meals/SEARCH Bags Assembly

    Thursday, Oct 31st 9:00a to 10:00a
    Join Beth Yeshurun Sisterhood and our Social Action team to assemble snack bags for Kids Meals and SEARCH. New volunteers are always welcome to join in this ongoing monthly project.



Email Subscriptions


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785