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Adult Education

Jewish Learning Project

The Jewish Learning Project (JLP) is Congregation Beth Yeshurun's Adult Learning Program. Our JLP sessions offer a variety of spiritual, intellectual, and stimulating topics for you to choose from. Sessions are held mostly on Sunday mornings and are open to the public and free of charge. (Some classes may have materials fees.)  For information contact Lisa Unsell, or call at 713-666-1881. 

Register to join our email list for Adult Learning opportunities!

We have 2 email lists for Adult Learning:  Jewish Learning Project (JLP) for general information about classes, events, speakers, and more throughout the year; and 929 Project for Rabbi Horwitz's weekday email (see below for more information!)

Sunday Mornings

Invitation to Judaism | 9-10a | Year Long Course

Instructor:  Rabbi Steven Morgen | Zubowski A

At Beth Yeshurun, we have a program that enables newcomers to Judaism to learn the basics of our way of life, our way of thinking about God, and our way of looking at the world. The program is called An Invitation to Judaism and is coordinated by Rabbi Steven Morgen. This class is open to anyone but is specially designed for newcomers to Judaism to learn the basics of our way of life, our way of thinking about God, and our way of looking at the world. A separate syllabus outlines the class sessions and topics. The reading list includes Anita Diamant's "Choosing a Jewish Life," Harold Kushner's "To Life!," George Robinson's "Essential Judaism," and Joseph Telushkin's "Jewish Literacy."

Books are required and available for purchase on the first day of class.  See the curriculum/class schedule here.

Book List: Choosing a Jewish Life by Anita Diamant; To Life! by Harold Kushner; Essential Judaism - A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs, and Rituals by George Robinson; Jewish Study Bible - Tanakh Translation with commentary - Oxford; Jewish Literacy by Joseph Telushkin; We Jews and Jesus by Samuel Sandmel; Shalom Hebrew Primer (for required Hebrew class)


Adult B'nei Mitzvah Hebrew and Prayers | 9-10a | Year-Long Course

Instructor: Cantor Diane Dorf | Marks Room

This class is specifically designed for those who did not have a bar or bat mitzvah when they were young. The class will learn how to lead the Saturday morning service's Hebrew prayers and chant a few verses from the Torah. The Adult Bnei Mitzvah service is scheduled for June 21, 2025, at Beth Yeshurun.


Introduction to Kabbalah | 9:15 - 10:15a | Year Long Course

Instructor:  Rabbi Danny Horwitz | Board Room

Most Jewish education during the past two centuries has not included much of the mystical impulse, an important part of our tradition. Rabbi Horwitz will present texts illustrating different types of Jewish mysticism, from the Bible leading to the Middle Ages, and explain the basic concepts of Kabbalah.


Introduction to Hebrew | 10 - 11a | Year Long Course

Instructor:  Cantor Diane Dorf |Zubwoski A

Learn to read Hebrew and recognize essential prayer vocabulary. No prior knowledge is necessary. This course is open to everyone but is required for the Invitation to Judaism students.


Prayerbook Hebrew and More | 10 - 11a | Year Long Course

Instructor:  Naomi Enav | Marks Room

Have you been looking for a class to help you to understand the Hebrew in our prayerbooks?  This is the class for you!  Naomi Enav, an Israeli-America, will teach you some basic Hebrew grammar and language skills and vocabulary so you can understand not just how to say our prayers but what they actually mean.  She will also teach some basic conversational Hebrew vocabulary.  For those planning to participate in our Adult B'nei Mitzvah service on June 21, 2025, this class is part of the course.


Beyond Borders:  The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

10:15 - 11:15a | Year Long Course

Instructor:  Rabbi Danny Horwitz |Board Room

Beth Yeshurun is excited to partner with the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning to present this important class. Rabbi Horwitz will present a text-based overview of the development of the Arab-Israeli conflict from the late nineteenth century through the early 21st century. The conflict's complexity forces students to grapple with the intersection of religion, culture, history, politics, economics, and the daily struggle for identity and survival in what is often referred to as the center of the world.

The cost of this class is $25 per person.  Please register here. Use Coupon Code Israel25 to reduce the cost to $25 and choose the ebook - we will also have some handouts in class.

Thank you to Melton for underwriting this and making it available to our learners at a deep discount!



Morning Minyan Torah Study

After morning chapel services, meet with clergy to discuss topics of Jewish interest:

Tuesday: Wisdom of Torah with Rabbi Brian Strauss | Zubowski B
Wednesday: Voices of Torah with Rabbi Steven Morgen |Zubowski B
Saturday: Parashat Hashavuah, led by members of the Chapel community | Board Room

Jewish Perspectives on Contemporary Issues

(CLASS IS FULLRabbi Strauss' Lunch and Learn series returns with a focus on Jewish Perspectives on Contemporary Issues.  Join Rabbi Strauss for a dynamic and engaging monthly discussion group where we explore current events and their impact on the Jewish community. This informal gathering will delve into ethical and moral dilemmas, providing a space to discuss and reflect on meaningful and relevant topics for modern-day American Jews. Each session will offer a unique opportunity to view contemporary issues through the lens of Jewish teachings, values, and traditions, fostering thoughtful dialogue and deeper understanding. 

Beth Yeshurun 929 Project

Have you heard of “The 929 Project”?  The Hebrew Bible has 929 chapters. Jews worldwide study one chapter of Scripture five days a week. With a few minutes, participants will have learned the entire Bible in just over three and a half years.  Beth Yeshurun is starting our own free “929” email study group this fall, open to all and facilitated by Rabbi Danny Horwitz, who will regularly provide participants with the text and relevant questions for your consideration.  Our new group will begin on Sunday, October 27, the first weekday after Simchat Torah and the conclusion of the fall holidays.

Why would YOU want to participate?  

  • Because you want to know more about your religion and its roots.
  • Because learning the Bible is always an important activity for Jews.
  • Because it’s an easy way to absorb the text and its relevance. 
  • Because it’s a way to join with other Jews in doing a mitzvah. 
  • Because, on the first anniversary of the Simchat Torah attack on Israelis, it is a way to respond by committing ourselves to continued learning in memory of the victims

Register to receive the weekday 929 emails from Rabbi Horwitz!

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785